550-5.7.1 Our system has detected that this message does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and authentication

I think I finally got this issue fixed. Warning: 550-5.7.1 Our system has detected that this message does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and authentication. Please review 550-5.7.1 I first mentioned the problem with the IPv6 warning in this thread.  And then I mentioned it again here.  And I had thought it […]

550-5.7.1 Our system has detected that this message does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and authentication Read More »

Cyberpanel with Cloudflare – outgoing emails being rejected by gmail addresses

I’ve made a few posts already about issues with emails being rejected by gmail addresses with a variety of messages.  Ultimately, the solution that seems to have finally resolved my problems includes the following steps: send a message from your email address to mail-tester.com and fix any issues that show up, this may involve setting

Cyberpanel with Cloudflare – outgoing emails being rejected by gmail addresses Read More »

Cyberpanel email log – IP address does not have a PTR record setup 550-5.7.25

TLDR:  gmail has very strict anti-spam and forwarding emails makes it even tougher to pass their spam filters.  The best you can do is run your emails through a test site like mail-tester.com and lookup how to solve each of the issues presented.  I found forwarding emails to outlook instead of gmail worked fine.  If

Cyberpanel email log – IP address does not have a PTR record setup 550-5.7.25 Read More »

Cyberpanel SSL renewal – self-signed instead of full

Updates 8/4/2022 – Cyberpanel now has a page with solutions for SSL problems, and I managed to find a solution that worked for me. I’ve noticed that several of my SSL certificates say they are “self-signed” instead of a full regular SSL certificate.  I had zero issues with my original cpanel host, but started to

Cyberpanel SSL renewal – self-signed instead of full Read More »

Number of lookups on your SPF record exceed the allowed limit of 10. This will result in emails failing SPF authentication.

I was working on figuring out why emails forwarded through cyberpanel weren’t being received at gmail.  During the troubleshooting process, I found the following error message when I went into Cloudflare to try to make sure my DNS settings were correct: The number of lookups on your SPF record exceed the allowed limit of 10.

Number of lookups on your SPF record exceed the allowed limit of 10. This will result in emails failing SPF authentication. Read More »

Cyberpanel forward email – IP Address sending this message does not have a PTR record setup 550-5.7.25

550-5.7.25 The IP address sending this message does not have a PTR record setup, or the corresponding forward DNS entry does not point to the sending IP. As a policy, Gmail does not accept messages from IPs with missing PTR records. Please visit 550-5.7.25 TLDR:  you need to make sure your DNS settings are correct

Cyberpanel forward email – IP Address sending this message does not have a PTR record setup 550-5.7.25 Read More »